Form 10-Q


                          Washington, D.C.  20549

                    OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

               For the quarterly period ended June 30, 1997


                       SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

                    For the transition period from     to

                       Commission File Number   1-8325

                              MYR GROUP INC.
            (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

             Delaware                             36-3158643
   (State or other jurisdiction of    (I.R.S. Employer Identification
    incorporation or  organization)    No.)

     1701 W. Golf Road, Suite 1012, Tower Three, Rolling Meadows, IL 60008
                   (Address of principal executive offices)
                                (Zip Code)
                              (847) 290-1891
               Registrant's telephone number, include area code

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports 
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities and  Exchange  
Act of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that  
the registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject 
to such filing requirements for the past 90 days.

Yes  X   No



Indicate by check mark whether the registrant has filed all documents and 
reports required to be filed by Sections 12, 13 or 15(d) of the Securities 
Exchange Act of 1934 subsequent to the distribution of securities under a plan 
confirmed by a court.

Yes     No

Indicate the number of shares outstanding of each of the issuer's classes of 
common stock, as of July 28, 1997: 3,255,615

                                MYR GROUP INC.

                                 I N D E X

PART I.   Financial Information                          Page No.

Item 1.  Financial Statements

Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets -
June 30, 1997 and December 31, 1996                          2

Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations -
Three and Six Months Ended June 30, 1997 and 1996            3

Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows -
Six Months Ended June 30, 1997 and 1996                      4

Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements       5-6

Item 2.  Management's Discussion and Analysis of
Financial Condition and Results of Operations              7-8

PART II.  Other Information

Item 1.  Legal Proceedings                                   8

Item 4.  Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders 9

Item 6.  Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K                    9

SIGNATURE                                                   10

Part I, Item 1

MYR Group Inc.

(Dollars in thousands)
                                                     June 30  Dec. 31
                                                      1997     1996
                                                   (Unaudited)  * 
Current assets:
 Cash and cash equivalents                        $    592    $ 1,011  
 Contract receivables including retainage           67,369     53,508
 Costs and estimated earnings in excess of billings 
 on uncompleted contracts                           16,928     10,760
 Deferred income taxes                               4,896      4,896
 Other current assets                                1,190        471
Total current assets                                90,975     70,646

Property and equipment:                             60,249     58,668
 Less accumulated depreciation                      37,663     36,429
                                                    22,586     22,239
Intangible assets                                    2,437      2,466
Other assets                                         1,081      3,135
Total assets                                      $117,079    $98,486  

Current liabilities:
 Current maturities of long-term debt             $  9,438    $ 4,445  
 Accounts payable                                   18,635     17,721
 Billings in excess of costs and estimated earnings  
 on uncompleted contracts                            7,450      5,504
 Accrued insurance                                  15,449     12,160
 Other current liabilities                          20,729     16,645
Total current liabilities                           71,701     56,475

Deferred income taxes                                3,047      3,047
Other liabilities                                      393        399
Long-term debt:
 Revolver and other debt                             1,922        121
 Term loan                                           1,250      2,500
 Industrial revenue bond                               695        695
 Subordinated convertible debentures                 5,679      5,679
Total long-term debt                                 9,546      8,995

Common stock and additional paid-in capital          9,278      9,315
Retained earnings                                   24,770     22,121
Treasury stock                                        (869)    (1,043)
Unearned stock awards and shareholders' notes     
receivable                                            (787)      (823)
Total shareholders' equity                          32,392     29,570

Total liabilities and shareholders' equity        $117,079    $98,486 

*Condensed from audited financial statements
The "Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements" are an integral part 
of this statement.

MYR Group Inc.

(Dollars in thousands except per share amounts)

Periods Ended June 30                         Three Months       Six Months

                                             1997      1996     1997     1996

Contract revenue                           $112,310  $69,052  $201,314 $133,428

Contract cost                               102,356   61,024   183,975  118,970

Gross profit                                  9,954    8,028    17,339   14,458

Selling, general and administrative expenses  6,659    5,597    12,530   11,315

Income from operations                        3,295    2,431     4,809    3,143

Other income (expense)
 Interest income                                  8        4        16       10
 Interest expense                              (400)    (467)     (650)    (877)
 Gain (loss) on sale of property and equipment (254)     261      (247)     392
 Miscellaneous                                  201     (113)       77     (276)

Income from continuing
 operations before income taxes               2,850    2,116     4,005    2,392

Income tax expense                            1,140      847     1,602      957

Income from continuing operations             1,710    1,269     2,403    1,435

Income (loss) from discontinued operations      602     (360)      602     (360)

Net income                                 $  2,312  $   909  $  3,005 $  1,075

Earnings per share - Primary
 Income from continuing operations         $    .48  $   .37  $    .68 $    .42
 Income (loss) from discontinued operations     .17     (.11)      .17     (.11)
 Net Income                                     .65      .26       .85      .31

Earnings per share - Fully Diluted:
 Income from continuing operations              .42      .33       .59      .38
 Income (loss) from discontinued operations     .14     (.09)      .14     (.09)
 Net Income                                     .56      .24       .73      .29

Dividends per common share                     .055     .050      .110     .100

Weighted average common shares and common
 share equivalents outstanding
  Primary                                     3,579    3,439     3,554    3,423
  Fully Diluted                               4,262    4,057     4,260    4,050

The "Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements" are an integral 
part of this statement.

MYR Group Inc.

(Dollars in thousands)

Six Months Ended June 30                                1997       1996


Income from continuing operations                  $   2,403   $  1,435 
Adjustments to reconcile income from continuing
operations to cash flows from continuing operations
 Depreciation and amortization                         2,732      3,100
 Amortization of intangibles                              54        162
 Loss (gain) on sale of property and equipment           247       (392)
 Changes in current assets and liabilities            (6,282)    (2,163)
Cash flows from continuing operations                   (846)     2,142

Cash flows from discontinued operations                2,456       (360)

Cash flows from operations                             1,610      1,782


Expenditures for property and equipment               (2,800)    (2,396)
Proceeds from disposition of assets                      121        546
Cash used in acquisition, net of cash acquired          (241)         -

Cash flows from investments                           (2,920)    (1,850)


Proceeds from long term debt                           1,142        516
Proceeds from exercise of stock options                  112         13
Increase (decrease) in deferred compensation              (6)         5
Dividends paid                                          (357)      (320)

Cash flows from financing                                891        214

Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents        (419)       146
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year         1,011        703

Cash and cash equivalents at end of period         $     592   $    849

The "Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements" are an integral 
part of this statement.

MYR Group Inc.


1 - Basis of Presentation

The condensed consolidated balance sheets, statements of operations and 
statements of cash flows include the accounts of the Company and its 
subsidiaries.  All material intercompany balances and transactions have been 

The financial information included herein is unaudited; however, such 
information reflects all adjustments (consisting solely of normal recurring 
adjustments) which are, in the opinion of management, necessary for a fair 
presentation of results for the interim period.

The results of operations for the six month period ended June 30, 1997 are not 
necessarily indicative of the results to be expected for the full year.

2 - Acquisition

On May 1, 1997, the Company completed the acquisition of all the stock of 
D.W. Close Company, Inc. (``D.W. Close'').  D.W. Close is engaged primarily 
in the installation of lighting systems, electrical maintenance/construction 
and smart highway construction for commercial, industrial and municipal 

All the shares of D.W. Close were exchanged for $400,000 in cash and $2,500,000 
of promissory notes.  The principal will be due in installments of $666,667,  
$666,667 and $1,166,666 on May 1, 1998, 1999 and 2000, with interest payable  
quarterly each year.  The transaction has been accounted for using the purchase
method of accounting.

3 - Discontinued Operations

As part of the sale in 1988 of its former engineering subsidiary, the Company 
retained certain rights and obligations in connection with a lawsuit with 
National Union Fire Insurance Company of Pittsburgh, PA.  In June 1997, the 
Company settled the lawsuit and received $4,250,000.  The Company had a 
receivable relating to this lawsuit of $1,854,000.  The remaining $2,396,000
related to reimbursement for interest and legal costs.  The portion allocated 
to interest was $1,042,000 and was included in continuing operations as other 
income.  The portion allocated to legal costs was $1,354,000.  This amount was 
included in income from discontinued operations, reduced by additional expenses
incurred for legal and other directly related costs totaling $350,000.  The net
result on discontinued operations was $602,000, including the income tax 
expense of $402,000.  In 1996, the Company recorded additional amounts, 
primarily legal expenses related to the OMU lawsuit, which resulted in 
additional losses of $360,000, net of income tax benefits of $240,000.

4 - Earnings Per Share

Primary earnings per share are based on the weighted average number of common 
shares and common share equivalents outstanding during the period.  Stock 
options are considered to be common share equivalents.  Fully diluted earnings  
per share also reflects the potential dilution which would result from the 
conversion of the convertible subordinated notes.

5 - Pending Accounting Standard

In February 1997, the Financial Accounting Standards Boards issued Statement  
of Financial Accounting Standards No. 128, `Earnings Per Share' which 
simplifies the method for computing earnings per share.  Under the new 
requirements, primary earnings per share will be replaced with basic earnings  
per share.  The statement, which will not have a material impact on the results
of operations, financial position or cash flows of the Company, is effective 
for financial statements issued for periods ending after December 15, 1997 and 
will be adopted by the Company in the fourth quarter of 1997.

6 - Supplemental Quarterly Financial Information (Unaudited)
(Dollars in thousands, except per share amounts)

                                     Mar 31  June 30  Sept 30  Dec 31    Year
Contract revenue                     89,004  112,310                    201,314

Gross profit                          7,385    9,954                     17,339

Income from continuing operations       693    1,710                      2,403

Net income                              693    2,312                      3,005

Earnings per share - Primary:
 Income from continuing operations     0.20     0.48                       0.68
 Net income                            0.20     0.65                       0.85

Earnings per share - Fully diluted:
 Income from continuing operations     0.18     0.42                       0.59
 Net income                            0.18     0.56                       0.73

Dividends paid per share              0.055    0.055                      0.110

Market price:
 High                                 14.00    18.31                      18.31
 Low                                  12.00    11.63                      11.63

                                     Mar 31  June 30  Sept 30  Dec 31    Year
Contract revenue                     64,376   69,052   80,712  96,437   310,577

Gross profit                          6,430    8,028    8,282   8,901    31,641

Income from continuing operations       166    1,269    1,536     997     3,968

Net income                              166      909    1,536     827     3,438

Earnings per share - Primary:
 Income from continuing operations     0.05     0.37     0.44    0.29      1.15
 Net income                            0.05     0.26     0.44    0.24      1.00

Earnings per share - Fully diluted:
 Income from continuing operations     0.05     0.33     0.39    0.26      1.02
 Net income                            0.05     0.24     0.39    0.21      0.89

Dividends paid per share              0.050    0.050    0.050   0.050     0.200

Market price:
 High                                 11.00    11.75    11.75   12.88     12.88
 Low                                  10.00    10.25    10.38   10.50     10.00

Part I Item 2.     Management's Discussion and Analysis of
                Financial Condition and Results of Operations
              for the Three and Six Months Ending June 30, 1997
                          (Dollars in thousands)

Results of Operations

Continuing Operations

Revenue for the three and six month periods was $112,310 and $201,314, compared 
to $69,052 and $133,428 in 1996.  This is an increase of 62.6% and 50.9% for 
the three and six month periods, primarily due to storm work, a higher level  
of work in the commercial-industrial sector and an increase of line work in 
California.  The commercial-industrial sector includes a major electrical job 
for a hotel and casino in Nevada that did not have significant revenues until 
the fourth quarter of 1996.

Gross profit for the three and six month periods was $9,954 and $17,339, 
compared to $8,028 and $14,458 in 1996.  Gross profit as a percentage of 
revenue was 8.9% and 8.6% for the three and six month periods, respectively, 
compared to 11.6% and 10.8% in 1996.  The lower margin percentage in 1997 is 
primarily due to a greater percentage of our commercial-industrial revenues 
coming from cost-plus fixed fee work.  The cost-plus fixed fee work generally 
involves lower financial risk, therefore generates lower margins.

Revenue and gross profit comparisons from quarter to quarter and comparable 
quarters of different periods may be impacted by variables beyond the control 
of the Company due to the nature of the Company's work as an outside electrical
contractor.  Such variables include unusual or unseasonable weather and delays  
in receipt of construction materials which are typically results in lower 
revenues and lower margins in the first quarter when compared to other 
quarters.  As a general rule, the better construction weather in the second, 
third and fourth quarters usually results in higher revenues and margins from  
those quarters.  Competitive bidding pressures may cause these general trends 
to vary.  Additionally, since the company's revenues are derived principally 
from providing construction labor services, insurance costs, particularly for  
workers compensation, are a significant factor in the Company's contract cost  
structure.   Fluctuations in insurance reserves for claims under the 
retrospective rated insurance programs can impact gross margins, either upward 
or downward, in the period in which such insurance reserve adjustments are 

Selling, general and administrative expenses for the three and six month 
periods were $6,659 and $12,530, compared to $5,597 and $11,315 in 1996.  This  
represents 5.9% and 6.2% of consolidated revenues for the three and six month  
periods of 1997, compared to 8.1% and 8.5% for 1996.  This reduction reflects 
higher revenue volume spread over a relatively fixed expense base.

Net interest expense for the three and six month periods was $392 and $634, 
compared to $464 and $867 in 1996.  The decrease in interest expense was due  
to lower average outstanding debt levels in 1997 compared to 1996.

Gain (loss) on sale of property and equipment for the three and six month 
periods was ($254) and ($247), compared to $261 and $392 in 1996.  The 1997 
second quarter loss was due to the sale and disposal of obsolete and damaged  
units as a result of plans to modernize the equipment fleet.

Other income for the three and six month periods was $201 and $77, compared to 
other expense of $113 and $276 in 1996.  The 1997 other income includes 
$1,042,000 relating to the settlement of a lawsuit (see Note 3 to the Financial
Statements). Offsetting this amount are bank fees, amortization of goodwill,
costs accrued for the clean-up and move out of an operating unit's facility as 
a result of consolidating operations and the write-off of an investment in land 
that has never been developed.  The 1996 amounts consisted primarily of bank 
fees and amortization of goodwill and non-complete agreements. 

Income tax expense for the three and six month periods was $1,140 and  $1,602,
compared to $847 and $957 in 1996.  As a percentage of income, the effective
rate was 40% in 1997 and 1996.

The Company's backlog at June 30, 1997 was $130,600, compared to $134,900 at  
December 31, 1996, and $89,600 at June 30, 1996.   Substantially all the 
current backlog will be completed within twelve months and approximately 90% 
is expected to be completed by December 31, 1997.

Discontinued Operations

During 1988, the Company sold two subsidiaries.  As part of the sale of the 
engineering subsidiary, the Company retained certain rights and obligations  
in connection with two lawsuits.  In the three and six month periods, the 
Company recorded amounts received from a settlement with National Fire 
Insurance Company of Pittsburgh, PA, which resulted in a gain of $602 
($1,004 pre-tax).  In the three and six month periods of 1996, the Company
recorded additional amounts, primarily legal expenses related to the OMU 
lawsuits, which resulted in additional losses of $360 ($600 pre-tax). (See 
Note 3 to Financial Statements).

Liquidity and Capital Resources

Cash flows provided from operations for the six months amounted to $1,610, net  
proceeds from borrowings amounted to $1,142, proceeds from the exercise of 
stock options amounted to $112, and proceeds from the disposition of property 
and equipment amounted to  $121.  The cash flows provided from operations 
includes $4,250,000 received from a settlement of a lawsuit (see Note 3 to 
Financial Statements).  The cash flows were primarily used for net capital 
expenditures of $2,800, the acquisition of D.W. Close Company, Inc. of $241 and 
dividend payments of $357.  The Company's financial condition continues to be 
strong at June 30, 1997 with working capital of $19,274, compared to $14,171  
at December 31, 1996.  The Company's current ratio was 1.27:1 at June 30, 1997, 
compared to 1.25:1 at December 31, 1996.

The Company has a $20,000 revolving and $3,750 term credit facility.  As of 
June 30, 1997, there were $6,000 and $3,750 outstanding under the revolving  
and term credit facility, respectively.  The Company has outstanding letters 
of credit with Banks totaling $12,585.  The Company anticipates that its credit
facility, cash balances and internally generated cash flows will continue to be
sufficient to fund operations, capital expenditures and debt service 
requirements.  The Company is also confident that its financial condition will  
allow it to meet long-term capital requirements.

The acquisition of D.W. Close Company, Inc. was completed on May 1, 1997.  The 
purchase price for this transaction was paid in cash and Company notes issued  
to the seller (See Note 2 to Financial Statements).

Capital expenditures for the six months were $2,800, compared to $2,396 in 
1996.  Capital expenditures during these periods were used for normal property  
and equipment additions, replacements and upgrades.  Proceeds from the disposal
of property and equipment for the six months were $121 and $546 in 1996.  The 
Company plans to spend approximately $5,000 on capital improvements during 

                                 PART II
Item 1.  Legal Proceedings

On June 24, 1997 the Company entered into a Settlement Agreement and Releases 
(the ``Agreement'') between National Union Fire Insurance Company of 
Pittsburgh, PA (``National Union'') and the Company, on behalf of The L.E. 
Myers Co. Group, the L.E. Myers Co. and LEMCO Engineers, Inc. (hereinafter 
referred to as the Company), related to the appeal to the United States Court 
of Appeals for the Second Circuit by National Union of the judgment in favor of 
the Company entered on April 10, 1997 in the United States District Court for  
the Southern District of New York in the previously  disclosed lawsuit.  
Pursuant to the Agreement National Union paid to the Company the sum of 
$4,250,000 on June 27, 1997.  The Agreement further provided that all appeals  
would be dismissed and that the Company and National Union each provided a 
release of liability of the other party.

Item 4.  Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders

The Company held its annual meeting of Stockholders on May 12, 1997 pursuant to 
a notice of meeting and proxy statement sent to stockholders of the Company.   
Stockholders elected Allan E. Bulley, Jr. and Bide L. Thomas as Class II 
directors to serve a term until the annual meeting of stockholders to be held 
in the year 2000.  Mr. Bulley and Mr. Thomas were incumbent Class II directors 
who were nominated by the Board of Directors for re-election.  Messrs.  William 
G. Brown (Class I), John M. Harlan (Class I) and Charles M. Brennan 
(Class III), continue to serve as directors of the class indicated after the 

Item 6.  Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K

a. Exhibits filed herewith are listed in the Exhibit Index filed as a part 
hereof and incorporated herein by reference.

b. No reports on Form 8-K were filed by the Company for the second quarter of 

CAUTIONARY STATEMENT-- This Release may contain statements which constitute 
``forward-looking'' information as defined in the Private Securities  
Litigation Reform Act of 1995 or by the Securities and Exchange Commission.  
Investors are cautioned that any such forward-looking statements are not 
guarantees of future performance and actual results may differ.


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the 
registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the 
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                          MYR Group Inc.

 Date: August 6, 1997                     By:       /s/
                                          Elliott C. Robbins, Sr. Vice 
                                          President, Treasurer, and Chief 
                                          Financial Officer
                                          (duly authorized representative of 
                                          registrant and principal financial 

                                   MYR Group Inc.
                            Quarterly Report on Form 10Q
                         for the Quarter Ended June 30, 1997

                                    Exhibit Index

 Number    Description                        Page (or Reference)

 11        Computation of Net Income Per Share         12

 27        Financial Data Schedules                    13

MYR Group Inc.

                                                                Exhibit 11

(In thousands, except per share data)

Period Ended June 30                          Three Months       Six Months
                                              1997     1996      1997    1996
Primary income per share
Net income                                  $ 2,312  $  909    $ 3,005  $1,075
Weighted average number of common shares
 outstanding during the period                3,249   3,198      3,246   3,191

Add - common equivalent shares (determined
 using the "treasury stock" method)
 representing shares issuable upon
 exercise of the common stock equivalents       330     241        308     232
 Weighted average number of shares
  for income per common share                 3,579   3,439      3,554   3,423

Income per common share - primary           $   .65  $  .26    $   .85  $  .31

Fully diluted income per share
Net income                                  $ 2,312  $  909    $ 3,005  $1,075 

Add interest on subordinated convertible
 debentures, net of tax                          60      59        118     119
                                            $ 2,372  $  968    $ 3,123  $1,194

Weighted average number of common shares
 outstanding during the period                3,249   3,198      3,246   3,191

- -Common equivalent shares (determined
 using the "treasury stock" method)
 representing shares issuable upon
 exercise of the common stock equivalents       413     259        414     259

- -Shares assumed converted from subordinated
 convertible debentures                         600     600        600     600
                                              4,262   4,057      4,260   4,050

Income per common share - fully diluted     $   .56  $  .24    $   .73  $  .29


5 1,000 3-MOS DEC-31-1997 APR-1-1997 JUN-30-1997 592 0 67864 495 0 90975 60249 37663 117079 71701 9546 0 0 2512 29880 117079 112310 112310 102356 109015 254 0 400 2850 1140 1710 602 0 0 2312 .65 .56